About ADIwg
ADIwg Overview and Goals
The Alaska Data Integration Working Group (ADIwg)1 was formed to examine and address the technical barriers to efficiently integrate and share data within and among participating organizations.
ADIwg evolved from, and supports the common interests of, the North Slope Science Initiative Oversight Group (NSSI), Alaska Ocean Observing System Board (AOOS), the Arctic Research Mapping Application (ARMAP), North Pacific Research Board (NPRB), the Alaska Climate Change Executive Roundtable (ACCER), and their member agencies.
Mission Phases
From the outset, ADIwg divided its broad mission into three phases:
- manage and exchange ‘project’ metadata
- manage and exchange ‘data’ metadata
- exchange data
Phase 1: Project Metadata
The objective is to make exploring and coordinating project metadata across all participating organizations seamless through the adoption of an interagency standard and protocol. Version 1 of the ADIwg Project Metadata Standard has been completed. However, work is currently ongoing on Version 2. See the respective Project pages for more information.
Phase 2: Data Metadata
The objective is to make exploring and coordinating data metadata across all participating organizations seamless through the adoption of an interagency standard and protocol. Work on Version 1 of the ADIwg Data Metadata Standard is currently on-going. Additionally, as part of the mdTranslator project, ADIwg is developing an open source tool that transforms ADIwg metadata into various formats, including standards based on ISO 19139. See the respective Project pages for more information.
Phase 3: Data Exchange
The objective is to make exploring and exchanging data across all participating organizations seamless through the adoption of an interagency standard and protocol. Work on this phase has not begun.
##Group Structure and Approach
ADIwg formed two subgroups: a policy group and a technical group. The policy group is comprised of agency leads to help facilitate implementation within their agency and to ensure the technical approach fulfills agency needs. The technical group is made up of specialists with hands-on experience working with data and systems.
Contributing Organizations
Pronounced add-ee-wig ↩